Headwraps or Hairwraps, are my favorite hair accessories to wear during the weekends, after work, or just when I'm feeling lazy! They can be found everywhere and I especially love the ones found at UO and small boutiques. Instead of shelling out $$ for each different pattern I loved, I tried making my own headwrap!
If you like the headwrap I wore above, lets DIY!
. . . Materials needed . . .
Fabric - 4"W x 24"L (Or an 1"-2" longer than size of head)
Fabric - 4"W x 16"L
Elastic - 2"
Fabric - 4"W x 24"L (Or an 1"-2" longer than size of head)
Fabric - 4"W x 16"L
Elastic - 2"
Sewing Kit / Sewing Machine